Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Some of the campaign literature from aspirational politicians like Gale Brewer is a crude attempt to rewrite history.  Gale proposes herself as the heir to the legacy of Bella Abzug, not knowing much about Bella.  I went to college with Bella (she was three years older, one year ahead of me at Hunter College in the Bronx.).  She and her buddy, Mim Kelber, were spending lots of Communist-party money advancing Stalinist views than and for many years later.  The Communist party had many idealists like Pete Seeger but  its organizers and executives were mainly a totalitarian crowd, and Bella knew in her bones how to manufacture a "front", take control of an unsuspecting group, bully and terrorize.  It was only after 1989 with the collapse of the Soviet Union that Soviet money for competitors to the ACLU (Civil Rights Congress), the Bar Assn. (Lawyers Guild) disappeared  for lack of money.    .  

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